Wednesday 8 August 2012

68. Cinnamon rolls (Avoca book 2)

Avoca Cafe cookbook 2 (Book 2) 
Rating: 3/5 
Comment: These were alright. They seemed to use a lot of yeast relative to the amount of flour. They were massive. The cinnamon, sugar and butter got a bit lost due to the huge expansion of the dough. I overcooked them a little which didn't help matters.
Use it again: Yes, but not for a few months. I'll try this version with less yeast next time.
Other nice recipes from this book: Chocolate chip cookies, lemon curd cake (does not need the buttercream), parma-wrapped chicken breasts with ricotta stuffing, rich chocolate tart with berries.

1 comment:

  1. I was just looking at that recipe and thinking 25g of yeast seemed excessive. I'm going to try it now with 7g of fast action yeast and let you know how I get on.
