Tuesday, 18 September 2012

83. Chocolate cake (L Pascale)

Lorraine Pascale's Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 
Rating: 5/5 
Comment: This is the 'let them eat cake' recipe, which is meant to be covered in maltesers and chocolate butter-cream icing, but thought that was too time-consuming and too much icing so did 2/3 the suggested amount of icing and didn't use maltesers. If I was doing this for a birthday, or special occasion, which it is good enough for, think I would go all out and put the maltesers on (it would be very very sweet!).  However, it's still very nice without them. This recipe uses creme fraiche and less butter than normal, which give it a lovely consistency. I use a different chocolate cake recipe (no creme fraiche in it) from the original book (baking made easy), that is also very good (#27 in May). 
Use it again: Yes. 
Other lovely recipes from this book: Warm bramley apple pies. 
Nice enough recipes from this book: Twister Bread.

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