Saturday, 22 September 2012

84. Lamb Biryani (L P)

Lorraine Pascale's Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 
Rating: 1/5
Comment: Not certain exactly what I did wrong - but this was not great. It wasn't very spicy and there wasn't enough liquid to cook the rice. I did use slightly less spice then suggested, but at the same time the spice got completely lost. The wording of the method states that the rice should be cooked in a separate pan. This is the first biryani I've ever cooked so had to look up the internet to confirm that the rice should actually be added to the same pan as the meat/spices (assuming the recipes I found were accurate). This recipe is supposed to include a small amount of sun-dried tomato, raisins and coconut - none of which I like - but I don't think they would have had much impact. Hope I have more success with the other meat dishes I try from this book :-)
Use it again: No. 
Lovely recipes from this book: Chocolate cake, warm bramley apple pies. 
Nice enough recipes from this book: Twister Bread.

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